Anti-fan polarisation on Weibo

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The study examines the highly influential group of “anti-fans” (extreme haters) of Chinese actor Xiao Zhan on Chinese social media Weibo. Using sentiment analysis and behavioral coding, 1303 valid Weibo posts from black fans were analyzed to summarize their emotional patterns and behavioral modes.

Grounded in interaction ritual chain theory, this study explores the underlying reasons behind this group’s activities. Preliminary findings indicate the behaviors of black fans can be categorized into direct and indirect types. The anonymous identities and collective identity of the group on social media lower individual moral sensibilities, while their behavioral patterns expand upon those of previous black fan groups.

This research provides insight into the sentiment and actions of influential anti-fan groups on Chinese social media through quantitative content analysis and established sociological theory.

Boyin Feng
Boyin Feng
Graduate in Social Cognition & International Politics

My research interests include affective science, cultural & political psychology, and intergroup relations.